The father of the bride has his role to play on the wedding day, although where the father of the bride is unable to perform these duties, many of the duties can be taken care of by other people.
The father of the bride has a very significant task of supporting his daughter, the bride, on her big day by helping her to remain calm and keep her nerves under control. It is also equally important that he makes all the arrangements so that his daughter reaches the church on time. It’s the father of the bride who makes it sure that everybody in the bridal party has convenient access to the wedding transportation right on time. And the big one – something he always had in his dreams – walk the bride down the aisle and finally give her away to the groom.
A Blog on Wedding and Wedding Speeches. Get Ideas and Tips on Wedding Speeches of all types.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Father of the Bride
Friday, November 13, 2009
Groomsmen Gift Ideas
The newlyweds at a wedding would love to show their gratitude to all those who made the wedding ceremony as well as the reception so unforgettable and at the same time successful. As an expression of appreciation various gifts are given to the groomsmen, the bridesmaids and sometimes even to each and every guests who attend the wedding. Nevertheless, as far as presenting gifts to the groomsmen, the very first thought that instantly comes our mind is some kind of liquor or alcoholic beverage. But if you are not ready to follow the norm and in fact planning to give the best man and all the other groomsmen something imaginative, only one of its kind and something they find handy, there's no shortage of excellent wedding gift ideas on the internet. Do a search for best man gifts or groomsmen gifts and you will amazed to find that you have so many alternatives. So much so that it could just become hard for you to choose the right gift for everybody.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Wedding Quotes and How To Give Wonderful Best Man Speeches
A best man speech is a compilation of several speech elements. However it depends on the speaker how he or she could blend these elements to produce a wonderful speech. A good speaker would always write a speech and go through it for several times before he delivers it. Talking about the best man speech elements almost every best man would use what are known as wedding quotes to make the speech sound better. As a best man I would rather funny quotations to include in my best man speech. Funny or humorous wedding quotes are best for best man speeches. But it is important that the wedding quotes or one-liners that you plan to use are in harmony with your speech. Wedding quotes that are not relevant to whatever you say in your speech will only make your speech worse.
For more information on wedding quotes and using them wisely in your best man speech you can read this article written exclusively on wedding quotes - Can Wedding Quotes Make or Break Your Best Man Speech
For more information on wedding quotes and using them wisely in your best man speech you can read this article written exclusively on wedding quotes - Can Wedding Quotes Make or Break Your Best Man Speech
Sunday, October 11, 2009
About Using Best Man Speech Oneliners
A best man speech which is otherwise average in terms of quality can be turned into an entertaining speech by including suitable wedding jokes, quotes and one-liners. Best man speech one liners could be of various tastes and the varieties. But if you think that by including a few couple of wedding related one-liners in your best man speech would make it awesome then you might just end up disappointing the wedding guests. You need a well written best man's speech at the first place. A traditional best man speech which is decent but not very unique. Well, you can expect to do fine with that. But if you want to impress the audience with your best man speech you need to at some humor to your speech if not try to make it funny. The easiest way to make a best man speech humorous is to add some carefully picked best man speech one liners that perfectly blend with your speech.
If you're confused and wondering how to write a best man's speech which includes a few good one liners here is an article that would help you in that direction -
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Why The Father of the Groom Speech is Unique ?
The father of the groom gives a wedding speech it is considered exceptional. That's because by tradition the bride's father, the bridegroom, the best man and the bridesmaids are the only people who give their wedding speeches during a wedding reception party. On several occasions it's the father of the bride and the best man who deliver their speeches.
However, occasionally the groom might not find any of his friends to fit as the best man and he might not be having a brother or cousin too. In those exceptional circumstances the father of the groom could emerge as the savior and play the role of the best man. And guess what? The wedding speech from the father of the groom would sound more like a best man speech with a twist.
But there are a few weddings where the groom's father is not the best man and he delivers his own unique father of the groom speech and how cool is that. If you happen to be the groom's dad why not take this opportunity to toast the wedding couple with a wonderful father of the groom speeches.
More on Father of the Groom Speeches -
Father of The Groom Speech when the groom's father is not the best man
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wedding Speech from the Father of the Bride - Complete Guide
If your daughter too is tying the knot, i hope you are aware of the duties and responsibilities of the bride's father including the father of the bride wedding speech. I guess you found this page while searching for information on father of the bride speeches and toasts.
Here's a nice post I stumbled upon the other day. It's a complete article on father of the bride speech in every respect.
Monday, September 21, 2009
What you should know about the Best Man
You can compose and then expect to give a good entertaining best man speech if you do your research properly. If you just grab a sample best man speech, modify it and think that you are ready with the speech, you are probably mistaken. It is urged that you first read about the best man – the history, the tradition and customs related to best man and his duties and responsibilities. You will be amazed how you can gain from it. This is something that the regular best man misses out. Once you have gone through it you will see how easy it becomes to accommodate any sample speech and customize it and turn it into your own unique best man speech. Below is a link which points to a very well written article on best man speeches.
Best Man Speeches – The New Tradition
Best Man Speeches – The New Tradition
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Best Man Speech : Inspired by Groom Speeches
In most weddings the best man gives his speech right after the groom's speech. The groom speech does have an impact on the best man speech. But it is difficult to come to any definite conclusion how a groom speech can influence a best man speech. It depends on certain factors. A great groom's speech could be followed by a dull best man speech or it could be the opposite. And if both the groom and the best man are prepared for their respective wedding speeches it is often experienced that a good decent groom speech is followed by an even better best man speech. The best man gets inspiration from the groom's speech and come up with some last minute tweaks to make his speech really outstanding.
Read a related article: And After The Groom Speech It's Time For The Best Man Speech - *
Read a related article: And After The Groom Speech It's Time For The Best Man Speech - *
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Maid of Honor Speech from the Bride?s Sister
Maid of Honor Speeches for the Sister - you must be referring to a maid of honor wedding speech from the bride's sister. This article is about how you prepare for your wedding speech if you are the sister of the bride.
As the head of the bridesmaids, you have a lot of duties to perform. But you must prepare for your bridesmaids speech no matter what.
Preparing for the wedding reception is the key to your successful maid of honor speech. It is acceptable to use note cards, but not to read the whole speech from them. Be sure to memorize all the major points you would like to emphasize so you will not have to read from the cards. If you forget where you are in your maid of honor speech, collect yourself, sift through your cards, and continue on. Speaking in front of the guests won't be as hard as you think if you rehearse your speech.
The introduction is important in maid of honor speeches. Let the guests know who you are and what your relation is to the bride and groom. Share a funny or cute story about you and your sister. Compliment how lovely she looks on her big wedding day. Let her know how much you love her and tell her you will be there for her if she ever needs anything. Share stories with the guests about how close you and your sister are. Finally, congratulate the bride on her great choice in men.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wedding Speeches – The Speakers’ Responsibilities
Since wedding speeches are part of the wedding reception or the wedding ceremony in the broad sense, it is very important that this tradition is carried out in a way that is in harmony with the spirit of the wedding. Every person who intends or is required to give a wedding speech should realize that his or her wedding speech could liven up or somewhat ruin the wedding reception. Obviously nobody would want to dampen the spirit by presenting a dull, boring wedding speech but unfortunately some of them will still end up doing that precisely.
If you are one of those who have to give a wedding speech at a wedding reception it's your responsibility to prepare for the speech and try your best to produce the most wonderful wedding speech that everybody will remember for a log time. If you are the father of the bride or the groom it's your duty to greet the guests and thank every person involved in the wedding through your wedding speech. But people will appreciate more if you could do that in a more passionate way. They are going to love it. Similarly if you are the best man or the maid of honor, it's your responsibility to say something that would make the audience cheer - imagine how happy and proud the groom and bride will be thinking that they have picked the right people. You just can't let them down simply because you love to procrastinate and didn't bother to prepare for the speeches.
If you are still wondering how to get started with the preparation for your wedding speech, don't worry. Since you are reading this blog post, it means that you are already on your way. However, you have to read, do some research and take notes, and believe me, it's a lot easier than it actually sounds. This blog will show you how to do that exactly.
By the way, if you are in a hurry, you can check the wedding speech sites listed below for quick help.
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